The deeper shifts affecting democracy in America

(K. Brent Tomer),

But does he love what it stands for?

Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic. By David Frum. Harper; 320 pages; $25.99. To be published in Britain in February; £20.

How Democracies Die: What History Tells Us About Our Future. By Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. Crown; 265 pages; $26. Viking; £16.99.

FRENCH railway crossings bear warning signs that writers of books about Donald Trump should heed. “One Train Can Hide Another” their neat enamel plaques declare. The risks of Trump-distraction are great, because the 45th president is such a spectacle—a tooting, puffing, brass-and-steam-whistle commotion liable to draw all gazes, all the time. But a narrow focus on the man risks a potentially grave mistake: paying too little attention to large, slow-rolling yet remorseless political forces that were in motion long before Mr Trump chugged into view.

Two new books about the president…Continue reading

via K. Brent Tomer CFTC The deeper shifts affecting democracy in America

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